Smart Planet Technologies’ reCUP® achieves AAA rating

As seen in Packaging News Magazine:

Smart Planet Technologies’ reCUP® has achieved AAA rating for recyclability from The Green Dot (Der Grune Punkt) scheme.

Last year the company’s EarthCoating technology was certified with Green Dot A rating recyclability certification.

Now the technology has achieved category AAA Recyclable certification from the Green Dot (Der Grune Punkt) recycling standard – in what it describes as ‘an unparalleled achievement’ in sustainability.

The Green Dot recognises standards for recyclability claims in 31 countries including the UK and Ireland.

This certification for paper cups with EarthCoating is compliant with the Packaging Recovery Organisation Europe “PRO” program per EU Directive 94/62.

In addition, the paper cups are classified for recycling compatibility and collection streams alongside premium uncoated paper grades such as office paper.

“EarthCoating continues to enable a new direction in the recycling of paperboard foodservice packaging” added Chris Tilton, chief materials technology officer at Smart Planet Technologies. “Paperboard packaging with EarthCoating is engineered for recycling and valuable to recyclers to collect and recycle, while maintaining the required levels of packaging performance. The certification demonstrates the ability to take immediate steps to solve the problem, using any and all of the UK recycling infrastructure and programs.”

Will Lorenzi, president, Smart Planet Technologies, added: “Given the UK’s coffee cup recycling debate and interest in reducing plastic content in packaging, it is a remarkable achievement for a paper cup technology to not only achieve the highest rating available for recyclability qualifying for a collection category alongside office paper, but also reducing plastic content in paper cups by 40%.”